Industry: Audio Visual Supplier
Location: Norfolk
Snellings are a global supplier of integrated audio-visual systems and communications technology. They design, integrate, install, and maintain robust AV systems and environments.
Their roots go back to 1954 when Roy Snelling started his business selling and servicing television and radio sets in the earliest days of broadcasting.
We worked with Snellings to migrate their data to Microsoft Teams to improve their storage access and collaboration. Read all about it below.
With the introduction of Microsoft Teams, Snellings employees can now access their files and data from any location with an internet connection.
Snellings came to us with a problem: they needed to move their data to a more efficient, accessible platform.
They initially had their files organised in numerical systems on their server. The shift to working from home unearthed that their virtual private network (VPN) used to access their server wasn’t reliable enough. As a result, staff were unable to access documents or collaborate on projects effectively.
Our solution to this was to move their files and data to Microsoft Teams. This would not only simplify their data access but allow them to collaborate and communicate easily.
Our team had to map their existing data to Teams in preparation for the migration. As Teams has a limit on the number of file paths, some changes had to be made to the existing structure. We, therefore, worked with the Snellings team to make logical changes that wouldn’t cause confusion following the migration. Ultimately, this allowed for a simpler file structure and quicker access to data.
We held trial periods with a few members of the Snellings team to gather their feedback on the application. Once happy, we held group training sessions with other employees to show them how to use Teams.
With the introduction of Microsoft Teams, Snellings employees can now access their files and data from any location with an internet connection. In addition to this, the ability to work on files simultaneously from home or the office enabled better collaboration within the team.
Ultimately, the migration now allows the Snellings team to work from home and continue flexible working long-term.