Jordan Lamb and John Gostling Headshots
Jordan Lamb and John Gostling Headshots

We are incredibly excited to share the news of a management buyout at Breakwater IT.

On Thursday 4 April 2024, Managing Director, John Gostling, and Business Services Director, Jordan Lamb, became shared owners of Breakwater IT.

Since we first launched 19 years ago, the business has been owned by Peter Davies. But after many years of hard work and dedication to getting Breakwater where it is now, Peter will be using this as an opportunity to retire. “We are grateful for Peters help over the last few years and on this opportunity.”

This buyout means that Breakwater IT will stay independent and locally owned into the future.

Both John and Jordan have managed and worked in the business for a number of years, meaning there will be no changes to how we currently operate. “We are staying committed to our clients and continuing to ensure great service and expert IT advice, whilst staying secure at the same time.”

The Breakwater team are very pleased for Jordan and John and we look forward to this new chapter in our journey.

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