Tips for Outlook, Word and PowerPoint
Tips for Outlook, Word and PowerPoint

At our February Platform to Share our focus was to showcase useful and quick tips for the Office apps Outlook, Word and PowerPoint.

The online event was hosted by our Business Services Director, Jordan Lamb. Jordan was joined by Jordan, John and Jack from the Breakwater Team.

0:00 | Welcome Screen
0:16 | Introduction with Jordan Lamb
3:49 | Outlook with Jordan Getley
28:04 | Word with John Gostling
44:03 | PowerPoint with Jack Fisher


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Platform to Share – Feb 21' Crib Sheet
Some really useful titbits, a lot that I was aware of but others that I was not familiar with. Really useful to have the crib sheet and replay of the event to share with others within the organisation as I'm sure we are all guilty of knowing something ourselves and just not realising/thinking that others will know it too.
Jo Bygrave, Blue Sky Leisure