As an organisation, we acknowledge that we have a negative impact on the environment. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. And that’s why this policy has been created.

The policy is divided in to five core sections; Transport, Energy, Recycling and Waste, Other and Moving Forward. Each section outlines actions Breakwater staff must take, as well as support and other services already in place.

Through the use of this policy, not only looking at the changes we are making now but the future too, we hope to reduce our impact and be carbon negative.


AIM: A reduction in unnecessary travel emissions.


  • A minimum target of 50% of all client meetings to be held remotely using platforms such as Microsoft Teams.
  • Only provide onsite support over remote support where necessary.


  • Most of our support is carried out remotely, unless absolutely necessary. We have not set any targets around this as we cannot control what support needs to be onsite.
  • Staff can work from home to reduce the amount of travel they undertake when commuting. We also encourage car sharing or the use of public transport, cycling and walking for those who can.
  • We are part of the cycle to work scheme and also have a Beryl Bikes station near to the office.
  • We have electric charging points installed in the office car park. Please ensure every member of staff has fair access to these if needed.
  • Grants are available through the UK Government for those wishing to look at buying an electric car. For more information, visit:


AIM: The reduction of energy consumption.


  • When closing the office for the day, all lights in the building must be switched off.
  • When shutting down at the end of the day, all devices and monitors must be switched off.
  • All monitors purchased for staff will be LED or OLED.


  • All staff are given laptops to work from over desktop computers. Laptops reduce energy consumption by up to 80% in comparison to desktop computers.
  • All office lighting is energy saving LED. We also have sensor lighting in rooms used less frequently, including kitchens, bathrooms and meeting rooms.
  • Our office electricity supplier is Octopus. Their electricity is 100% green – made from the sun, the wind and the sea.


AIM: The correct disposal of waste.


  • Each staff member is responsible for disposing of waste correctly. Recycling, compost, battery recycling and general waste bins are available in the office for use.
  • Consider whether something needs printing before doing so. If so, ensure the paper is recycled when finished with. If you are printing the same thing regularly, speak to a manager about whether this could be turned into a digital process.


  • We recycle old devices such as laptops and donate these to local charities (find out more). Where devices cannot be recycled, we dispose of these safely and properly.
  • Recycling and compost bins can be found in both kitchens. We also have a large recycling bin outside the office building.
  • We have a battery recycling bin in the office.


AIM: Additional efforts we are making to combat climate change.


  • We plant five trees for every laptop we sell.
  • We donate monthly to carbon offset projects. Removing two tonnes of C02 per month as a minimum.
  • Review the purchases of promotional materials and branded clothing. Choose sustainable options and only order based on demand.
  • Encourage clients and other businesses to make more sustainable choices with their IT and in general.


  • We use Ecologi to plant our trees and to donate to carbon offset projects.

We plant trees with Ecologi

Visit our forest


AIM: How do we grow from here.


  • Review and implement strategies to better track our carbon footprint.
  • Continue learning to enable us to keep growing sustainably.


  • All staff are given work hours to use for training purposes. Speak to your manager if you’d like to use this time to learn more about business impact on the environment.


Ecologi Trees illustration
Three Months On: The Breakwater Forest
See the progress of our forest and carbon offset donations.
Laptop with Earth on Screen graphic
How to Make Your IT Eco-Friendly
Ways to make your IT more eco-friendly.