Eduardo Bogalho
Eduardo Bogalho

Eduardo joined us mid-May as a System Engineers. In his role, Eduardo will be part of the team handling the first escalation point for our Junior Engineers when the incoming technical issue is more complex.

Get to know Eduardo in our welcome questionnaire:

What is your professional background?

Initially my professional experience focused in management in the industries of retail and hospitality.

Over the years of working in management, I found myself spending most free time self learning MSP services, as IT was always going to be the industry I aimed to cement my career in.

Within time I landed my first role within an MSP as a Support Technician progressing to a Support Team Leader role and this aligned well considering previous roles, to now recently joining the role of Systems Engineer.

If you could only keep three apps on your phone, which would you keep?

Spotify, Google and Maps.

What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?

Being able to play Neon by John Mayer.

If you had an extra hour in the day, what would you do with it?

Learning history or improving a skill (languages, instruments, sports).

Are you team iPhone or team Android?


Who is the most famous person you’ve met?

Not famous at the time but most likely would be a few football players of the same age group as myself who went on to become professional, to name the most famous would be Renato Sanches.

If you could be any character in a video game, who would you be?

Tommy Vercetti in Vice City.

If you could have invented or created anything, what would it be?


If you were a wrestler what would be your entrance theme song?

Mike Tyson’s Helicopter Theme.

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

Professional Surfer, only to live in the sun all year round.☀️

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Eduardo Bogalho
Meet Eduardo: Systems Engineer
Eduardo joined us in May as a Systems Engineer. Get to know him.