Ecologi Trees illustration
Madagascar Tree Planting
Madagascar - Ecologi Tree Planting
Ecologi Trees illustration

Back in April, we began our new sustainability initiative to plant five trees for every laptop we sell. In addition to this, we also donate monthly to carbon offset projects. Here’s how we’ve been getting on.

The first quarter of 2021/2022 tree planting has seen us plant 465 trees! The majority of which have been planted in projects in Madagascar, with a small amount in Mozambique.

Our tree planting is managed by Ecologi, in partnership with The Eden Reforestation Projects. If you’d like to know more about our forest, including the age, species and locations of our trees, visit our virtual forest:

Visit our forest

In addition to our tree planting, we donate monthly to carbon offset projects through Ecologi. So far, we’ve removed 8 tonnes of Co2 through carbon offset projects.

Our 8 tonnes of Co2 amounts to:

  • 6 long haul flights
  • 24 metres2 of sea ice saved
  • 19,848 miles driven in a car

Check out some of the carbon offset projects we’ve contributed to below:

Cleaner cookstoves in Zambia and Ghana

Producing energy from waste rice husks in India

Are you interested in starting your own company forest? Use our referral link! When you use a referral link, extra trees are planted – win-win! Alternatively, you can plant trees in our forest or donate to our carbon offset projects on our Ecologi page.

Visit our forest

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